orbosphere Blog


SparkBall 2 Now Available

SparkBall 2 for iOS / tvOS is now available in the App Store! It also includes an iMessage Extension so you can challenge your friends. The download is free so check it out today!...


Minneapolis Skyline Panoramas

With the great weather this August, I took the opportunity to capture a series of panorama shots of the Minneapolis skyline at different hours: The animation is a very small fraction of the full resolution. The...


SparkBall iPad/iPhone Game Released!

SparkBall has been released!!! Download it for iPad / iPhone 5 / iPhone 4 / iPod Touch running iOS 7.0 from the App Store here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sparkball/id791588355?ls=1&mt=8   SparkBall is an arcade/puzzle game that tests...