Author: orbosphere

SparkBall 0

SparkBall Beta

EDIT: SparkBall has been officially released. Download it from the App Store now: SparkBall is my upcoming iOS game. I am still recruiting beta testers, so if you would like to try the game...


2014 Design Refresh

Greetings and Happy New Year! To kick off the new year, has been refreshed with a new look & feel.


New Found Love for AppleScript

I recently purchased a new computer and set it up as my always-on home-theater/media machine. One of the tasks it performs for me is serving as my morning alarm clock through the use of...


Target Field Photos

Though the twins lost on Saturday, I was able to capture a nice panoramic photo of the new field. To download the full size (6773×1092 6.8Mb) click here: TargetFieldPanorama.jpg Also from my August photo...


Happy 1yr ranger!

It has been ~1 year since I adopted ranger. I love her to death. She’s as loyal as can be.