TAC 2019 Stats
Now that TAC has been out for a while, I have enough analytics data to do some review and analysis. As we enter the year 2020, I’ve gone back and collected data on TAC for the year of 2019. The info was gathered via the GameAnalytics framework. The stats report to GameAnalytics independently for each platform- iOS and Android. I collected statistics from both platforms into a Google Docs spreadsheet, and used that to create some charts to visualize the data.
First up is new users. Not huge numbers, but for a passion project that I’ve done next to no marketing for, I’m super happy that anyone at all has bothered to download and play my game. Certainly interesting to see that I have many more players on Android than iOS.
Total play sessions across platforms follows the split between platforms as well.
Average Playtime – Ok, admittedly seconds is probably not the best metric here, but that’s how it was captured and I didn’t translate it before charting. And bigger numbers look better, right? In minutes, it’s:
Avg Playtime Per User: Android = 15.37mins, iOS = 13.73mins
Avg Playtime Per Session: Android = 5.01mins, iOS = 5.49mins
Total play time: Android = 2077.02 hrs! iOS = 583.33 hrs.
Cool! People have actually played TAC!
Pretty self explanatory here
The game lets you choose how many rounds per half before Attackers and Defenders switch sides. The default value is 3, so clearly a lot of players jump into the game without changing that. I could probably drop some options and just leave 10 or 15 there for those who want a long game.
This pie chart shows how rounds have finished. I should have made this clearer on this chart- but the Attackers win the round if it results in:
Defense Eliminated (blue) 46.9%
Bomb Detonated (yellow) 8.0%
The Defenders win the round if it results in:
Attackers Eliminated (red) 30.3%
Bomb Not Planted / Timer Runs Out (green) 8.4%
Bom Defused (orange) 6.4%
So a round, on average, goes 54.9% to Attackers and 45.% to Defenders. That’s pretty well balanced! Could be even better though, so I should consider any changes I could make to improve that.
This was a different metric I tracked to measure the result of a round between the AI team and the player’s team. This shows that against the AI, the game is very well balanced, with a tiny margin going to the player. I have seen reviews that suggest TAC is too hard… and this metric might confirm that, but I’m actually really happy with where this is at.
Here is a chart of some stats regarding weapons in TAC (click on the image to see a larger version). There is a lot of good info here. You can clearly see the AI was configured to ignore shotguns. And the Famas is highly overused.
Based on this info, for version 1.2.0 of TAC, I made some changes:
– Famas nerfed, reduced damage and increased price
– Shotguns prices decreased
– M500 buffed with a damage increase
– Desert Eagle price increased by $100
I also made changes to the AI buying logic to vary the weapons they choose a bit more.
The latest TAC update is available now for iOS and Android
To learn more about the game visit: